Solid-organ transplantation is an ever-evolving field with updates in pharmacotherapy and donor/recipient management continually challenging transplant providers to further advance their clinical knowledge and practice. This program provides experienced transplant clinicians the ability to gain a deeper understanding of some of the latest developments occurring throughout the transplant community in order to best care for their patients. Highlighted topics include updates in immunosuppression minimization strategies in transplant recipients and the management of acute alcoholic hepatitis Additionally, there will be sessions focused on clinical pearls for the management of diabetes in the post-transplant setting, COVID 19 therapies in transplant recipients, and the use of biologics after solid organ transplant.

Fee: $45

Course Package:

1. Biologics in Solid Organ Transplant Recipient
2. Acute Alcoholic Hepatitis
3. How Low Can We Go? Immunosuppression Minimization in Kidney Transplantation
4. Sugar High: Managing Hyperglycemia in Solid Organ Transplant Recipients
The ins & outs of COVID management in solid organ transplant: An update on therapies across the spectrum of care

Speaker: David Choi, PharmD, BCACP
Target Audience: Pharmacists
Fee: $10 (or $45 for all 5 courses). To purchase the bundle, click here.
Expiration Date: October 10, 2024
For ITPA 2022 participants who registered for the live program, please use the access code provided to you by email.
CE: 0.75 contact hours (0.075 CEUs)
Purpose: To educate healthcare professionals on the pre/post-transplant management of biologics.
Click here for the full description.
UAN: 0016-9999-22-059-H01-P
Speaker: Wadih Chacra, MD
Target Audience: Pharmacists
Fee: $10 (or $45 for all 5 courses). To purchase the bundle, click here.
Expiration Date: October 10, 2024
For ITPA 2022 participants who registered for the live program, please use the access code provided to you by email.
CE: 0.75 contact hours (0.075 CEUs)
Purpose: To educate healthcare professionals on the diagnosis and management of alcoholic hepatitis.
Click here for the full description.
UAN: 0016-9999-22-060-H01-P
Speaker: Amanda J. Condon Martinez, PharmD, BCTXP
Target Audience: Pharmacists
Fee: $10 (or $45 for all 5 courses). To purchase the bundle, click here.
Expiration Date: October 10, 2024
For ITPA 2022 participants who registered for the live program, please use the access code provided to you by email.
CE: 0.75 contact hours (0.075 CEUs)
Purpose: To educate healthcare professionals on the current evidence for immunosuppression minimization in kidney transplant recipients.
Click here for the full description.
UAN: 0016-9999-22-061-H01-P
Speaker: Elizabeth Cohen, PharmD, BCPS
Target Audience: Pharmacists
Fee: $10 (or $45 for all 5 courses). To purchase the bundle, click here.
Expiration Date: October 10, 2024
For ITPA 2022 participants who registered for the live program, please use the access code provided to you by email.
CE: 0.75 contact hours (0.075 CEUs)
Purpose: To educate healthcare professionals on the management of hyperglycemia in both in the inpatient and outpatient settings in solid organ transplant recipients.
Click here for the full description.
UAN: 0016-9999-22-062-H01-P
Speaker: Justin Moore, PharmD, BCPS, BCIDP
Target Audience: Pharmacists
Fee: $10 (or $45 for all 5 courses). To purchase the bundle, click here.
Expiration Date: October 10, 2024
For ITPA 2022 participants who registered for the live program, please use the access code provided to you by email.
CE: 0.75 contact hours (0.075 CEUs)
Purpose: To educate healthcare professionals on the COVID-19 management options and current evidence for solid organ transplant recipients.
Click here for the full description.
UAN: 0016-9999-22-063-H01-P